Deborah works in group settings such as board meetings, planning sessions and evaluations to neutrally guide and ensure that conversation is progressive and a consensus is reached among decision makers.

Facilitation creates the opportunity for succinct and productive meetings by providing an objective party who understands the relationship dynamics and demands you face. Dependent upon the group, the goals and time restrictions, Deborah can work with your organization on either a short or long term facilitation process.

Deborah works with organizations to:
  • create an environment that encourages open communication
  • help conversations stay on track
  • identify and effectively solve problems
  • allow for productive conflict and resolution
  • aid in strategic planning
  • keep the meeting objectives in sight

"As Chair of LFI, Deborah showed great insight into working effectively with leaders from business, government, education and not-for-profit areas of the County. She helped us set ambitious, but realistic goals for the year. Because of her leadership and our combined commitment to those goals, we were able to improve the financial solvency of LFI, energize our membership through effective communications, refine our long term planning process, and produce a road map for LFI's continued growth."

Jane H. Hersey,
Vice President HunterLab, Retired